Place your finger here and *inhale* now hold and slowly draaaaag your finger across the screen aaannnndddd *exhale*
You are doing fabulous.

Inspire. Educate. Empower.
My lived in and professional experience serving diverse communities and working in education inspire my driving philosophy-
My goal is to empower under served communities by creating accessible holistic mental health spaces and resource education.
To learn more about my personal journey, click here.

September 2019 - November 2019
October 2017 - October 2018
April 2017 - April 2018
September 2016 - November 2018
September 2012 - September 2013
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Course Volunteer
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis MN
I assisted a certified MBSR instructor in leading an eight week "scientifically researched well established mindfulness training" program created by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn. I helped prepare the classroom and distribute materials. I contributed to the discussions and fully participated in all activities which included daily meditations, yoga and body scans for two months.
Assistant Project Coordinator
Our House Grief Support Center
I lead a team in the creation of a Dia De Los Muerto's altar for Our House's first time involvement in Hollywood Forever's Dia de los Muertos event. The altar invited community involvement and educated the community on the organizations service's and created exposure at an event which hosts thousands of people.
Grief Support Group Leader (Spanish)
Our House Grief Support Center
I lead a weekly hour long group with Spanish speaking grieving adults in the greater Los Angeles Area.
Tutorial Expert
Mount San Antonio College, Walnut CA
I advised ~26 supplemental instruction (SI) leaders per semester of different undergraduate subjects ranging from physics to english. I lead and planned meetings and trainings that illustrated and taught collaborative learning and the Socratic method. I observed, debriefed and coached SI on targeted improvement. I researched and implemented strategies to achieve program goals along with attending yearly trainings. I elevated and updated a 146 page manual for SI leaders. The more important revisions and additions included technology, mindfulness activities and services and strategies for diverse student populations.
Rape and Sexual Assault Advocate Counselor
Project Sister Family Services, Pomona CA
I advocated for survivors of rape and sexual assault as a first responder in hospitals and in legal interviews. I created a nurturing and safe space for each individual by being mindful of their immediate needs and offered follow up resources. I provided additional crisis intervention as a volunteer for a 24 hour hotline.
Education, Trainings and Certifications
June 2021
March 2016
March 2016
Mental Health and Nutrition Certification
Professor Julia Rucklidge, University of Canterbury (EdX)
Diversity and Inclusivity Training
Dr. Donna Colondres, Mount San Antonio College
Psychology with Biology Emphasis, Bachelor of Science
University of California, Davis
May 2020
A Kid's Guide to the Coronavirus
I wrote a free digital flip book to help children navigate the coronavirus mindfully. I distributed this book electronically to educators across the United States. The book is available in English and Spanish. Click here to view.